Clay Roof tiles are one of the most popular roof styles, being utilized in the majority of construction projects. The fact that clay tiles can sustain great temperature variations, has increased their usability. Even they have proved to be energy efficient and non-combustible. Another merit of clay roof tiles is being durable against extreme weather conditions.
The next question that comes to mind is, “How to maintain clay roof tiles for longevity?”
In this article, we will discuss the important tips and tricks for the perfect maintenance of clay roof tiles.
Tips For The Perfect Maintenance Of Clay Roof Tiles

1. Regular Repair And Maintenance
Even though the durability of clay roof tiles is efficient, yet proactive and regular maintenance is a must. It is recommended to schedule inspections at frequent intervals by a designated inspector or a contractor. A professional contractor will use his or her expertise in discovering any flaws in the roof and suggest the repair work that needs to be undertaken. The best practice is to initiate an inspection after 2 years of the roof installation and then periodically every year. Utilize the warranty period for any replacement work to control your expenditures.
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2. Removal Of Algae, Moss, And Mildew
As buildings age, there are chances of the formation of moss, algae, and mildew. Seasonal and weather variations are responsible for such kinds of organic growth. The recommendation is to opt for regular cleaning of the clay roofs. Involve a licensed contractor to oversee the cleaning work to avoid any kind of dangers associated with the wet and damp roofs. The organic growth may increase fast during the monsoons leading to damages and leakages in the roof tiles. Even after cleaning, they may reappear. Hence deep cleaning needs to be performed by experts and continued maybe once or twice a year.
3. Replacement Of Damaged Tiles
Over the years, clay roof tiles may be broken or damaged. This may lead to water seepage inside the roof and the building interiors. The capacity of absorbing the UV rays may also decrease and thus increasing the heat accumulation inside the building. It is suggested to replace the damaged tiles as fast as possible to prevent further damage to the roof and the other parts of the building. The broken tiles must be carefully removed, and any leakage must be sealed properly. Once a new tile is placed, ensure that it is in sync with the adjacent tiles. The arrangement of the entire roofing must not be distorted during the replacement.
4. Roof Painting At Regular Intervals
The original paint and proofing materials fade out with years of usage and exposure to varying temperature and weather conditions. It is good to engage with a professional contractor in renewing the paint and proofing of the clay roof tiles. Select a good primer to ensure it protects and maintains the roof paint color well. Clean the roof thoroughly before repainting it. The recommendation is to use acrylic paint for clay roof tiles. It has been proved that acrylic brings back the original glaze of the roof tiles.
5. Removal Of Debris
The gutters must be kept clog-free to prevent water accumulation and leakage. If you are maintaining a rooftop garden, ensure the tree branches and plant leaves do not block the draining system on the roofs. Airborne debris may also block the gutters and drainage pipes. Water leakage in roofs may penetrate to the other parts of the building especially the walls, leading to much higher damage to the buildings. Hence a regular check-up and inspection must be conducted to remove the accumulated debris. Water must drain away fast from the roofs specifically during the monsoons.
6. Inspection After Natural Hazards
Natural calamities and disasters are unpredictable and can seriously damage buildings. In such situations, it is highly recommended to conduct a deep dive inspection of the entire roofing of the buildings. Check for damages, broken tiles, and accumulation of debris as minutely as possible. Fix and repair to increase the strength and durability of the roof tiles to bear any further natural hazards. All the leakages must be sealed, broken tiles replaced, gutters and drainage pipes must be cleared.
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Even if you install full proof clay roof tiles, the quality will undergo degradation due to exposure to extreme weather conditions. The strength of the tiles is bound to deteriorate. Besides, the colors of the roof tiles fade imparting a dull surface look and thus disturbing the aesthetic view of the buildings. Additionally, unexpected calamities like heavy storms, tornados, earthquakes, etc. may damage the roof tiles severely. Proper proactive and preventive maintenance at regular intervals under the supervision of expert and professional contractors will prevent roof tiles from further decay and degradation. The longevity and persistence of the tiles enhance.