‘The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.’ – Maya Angelou.
The house is the place of our dependence. It is the place that makes us safer and we are emotionally attached to it. For human beings nothing can bring a sense of security like one’s house. In the wake of Nepal tragedy, and its violent effect in India, everyone is wondering that natural disasters can happen at any time, and what should be the steps towards a safer future. An earthquake can be extremely destructive like any other natural calamity.
According to National Geographic, on average a magnitude 8 quake strikes somewhere every year and some 10,000 people die in earthquakes. Like the rest of the world India too have earthquake prone states like Assam, Jammu and Kashmir, Delhi, Mumbai, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Kerala, West Bengal, Bihar. According to NDTV.COM, about sixty percent of India is vulnerable to earthquake caused by northward grind of the subcontinent’s landmass.
Ecosystem equilibrium is the basic of the environment. With the changing pattern of nature, its balance changes too resulting in natural calamities. Therefore, it is important to make the right selections while buying a house. Some of the concerning points are:
- Ecological Imbalance: Humans have constructed buildings, consumed most of non-renewable materials which slowly is making the earth uninhabitable. Therefore, it is very important to select a house which can adjust according to the changing pattern of ecosystem.
- Recent Tragedies (Nepal Earthquake): In the light of recent natural calamity of Nepal earthquake, has raised the question, how prepared are we? It is therefore very important to consider perfect construction provisions. Site selection and use of right construction materials are very important to consider.
- Safety: For any natural calamity, we got to have a readiness plan. Therefore, it is advisable to buy a house with proper arrangements like bolting wall cases, installation of strong latches on cupboards, creation of emergency room etc. Safety is an important issue, which cannot be neglected.
Five things to consider while buying an Earthquake Proof house
Buying a house is a very important decision. Hence, there are certain things that one should consider before buying a house. A house which has the power to restrain natural calamities like earthquake. Some basic points are discussed below:
- The use right building materials: Use of correct elements leads the foundation of a strong building. While buying an earthquake proof house, it is very important to quarry the seller about the use of right clay and bricks. It is very important to know whether the house has usage of good quality materials like Hollow bricks, which are highly durable and environmental friendly, which is really helpful during earthquakes because of its inner strength.
- Adequate Foundations: Apart from being able to support excessive settlements, it is very important to know, whether it will be able to sustain earthquake induced forces. It is preferable to ask for foundation report from the seller itself. The reports will give a quick view of drilled shafts, driven piles, soil layers etc.
[Image Source: 1.bp.blogspot.com]
3. Wall Structure: Cripple wall collapse is the main source of earthquake related failures. Stiffening of the cripple wall is very important, for the protection of the house during earthquakes. It is very important to understand the proper engineering, it needs expert opinion, so before buying earthquake proof house, it is mandatory to get the structure report, and get an expert opinion.
[Image Source: retrofittingcalifornia.com]
4. House location: The position of a house is an important factor of consideration before buying a house. Houses built on a slope are often an issue. Stability of slope and liquefaction are all areas of concern, during quakes. While buying an earthquake proof house the location and the surrounding are very important, especially during calamities. In the present era, a well located house is an important factor.
5. Bolting Foundation: Careful planning and installation of bolts are very important. It is very important to use the particular sets of bolts according to the building’s structure. There are 2 types of bolts- expansion bolts and epoxy –set bolts. It is very important to use right sets of bolts for the durability of a house. With the help of proper engineer it is very essential to get the information about the structure for an earthquake proof house, because a weak bolt system can be very harmful during quakes.A House is a dream. Buying the right building is our positive step towards a secure future. The greed of human being has led to the exploration of natural resources. With the ecosystem changing very widely every day, the need of a well-planned house is gaining priority. Therefore, it is highly advisable to buy a house/building that highly restrains and is well structured.
Authored by a Building Expert from Wienerberger India, World Leaders in Building Material Solutions since 1819
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