Green Buildings

Facts Cum Benefits Of Green Buildings That You Need To Know

With people getting more aware and conscious about the environmental sustainability, green building trends are getting more popular in India. In fact, as per the sources, the green building industry is expected to get more expansion by 2018.

But what’s making people head more towards green building concept rather than conventional building methodology? Let’s discuss some of the facts-cum-benefits that every individual need to know to understand the idea of green building and environmental sustainability.

Worldwide, buildings consume nearly 40% of the world’s energy, 25% of its wood, and 15% of its water: Source

  • Requires sustainable sites

When we talk about a green building, we are not talking about the “building” only. It characterizes the feature of careful attention to the site while taking all the future needs of the people into consideration. This include –

  • Prevention of the heat island effect and light pollution
  • Protection or restoration of open space
  • Stormwater management

Thus, it requires a lot of attention, proper analysis and expertise to finalize the location of a green building project.

  • Water efficient buildings

India is at the brink of a country-wide water crisis and currently only 40 per cent of Indians have access to sanitation: Source

Do you know that green building technology helps in saving water up to 30-50% at least? These sustainable buildings come up with efficient landscapes, equipment, appliances, innovative wastewater technologies, water supply preservation, cost reduction method, prevention from pollution and the list goes on.

  • Energy efficiency

Almost 244 million people of the world’s total population, i.e. 20% of the population of India live without electricity: Source

The instant benefits of green buildings are energy savings that go up to 20-30% minimum. These energy efficient buildings offer to include improved air quality, better lighting, better health and conservation of scarce national resources. And all these benefits incorporates a range of energy efficiency measures such as –

  • Daylighting
  • High-efficiency appliances and equipment
  • Renewable energy
  • Superior insulation
  • Waste management
  • Clean environment

Green building projects majorly focus on the reduction of greenhouse gas effects along with CFC in HVAC and refrigeration to preserve and protect the environment.

  • Utilization of resources in a smarter way

One just cannot think about using any other material in a green building project. All the materials that are being used in a green building project must offer the best value in terms of the life of the product and future maintenance costs. At the same time, resources must be selected with environmental concerns in mind. Green builders should not only consider the finished products that they will use in construction, but also the process of –

  • Product manufacturing
  • Raw material acquisition
  • Packaging
  • Transportation
  • Waste management techniques
  • Maintaining environmental quality

Do you know, “We spend an average of 90% of our time in buildings, and the air quality inside is two to five times worse than outside air”? (Source)

Green buildings are known to provide great quality of air within the houses along with energy efficient lighting, smart automation along with better temperature control that benefits higher security towards health and comfort of inhabitants.

This requires the use of environmentally-friendly building materials and innovative designs, with special attention to the ventilation, insulation, and heating and air-conditioning systems.

The bottom line

India is supposed to become second highest country with green activity with 57% by 2018: Source

The reason for green buildings becoming so popular is that they are economically viable. While the construction cost of a green building is higher, green building materials were found to earn back their price within a year and a half.


green building materials

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