Wall Solution

Why Is Clay Brick Considered As A Superior Wall Cladding Material?

Clay bricks are one of the oldest and most traditional construction materials that are trusted by most of the people.  Whether you’re building a new home or a commercial building or just renovating an old one, clay bricks can be used in any case and anywhere – be it on the ground or on the wall.

Clay bricks offer several benefits that no other kind of bricks or construction materials can offer. Clay bricks are –

  • Made up of clay and shale that are one of the most abundant natural materials available on earth
  • Proven for centuries – research has found that clay bricks were being used as an important construction material in the history as well
  • Requires zero maintenance which requires no effort in beautification
  • A perfect recycle material – can be reused again and again
  • Sustainable green building material
  • Aesthetic pleasing and strong as well

When needed to choose the material for exterior wall claddings for home, clay bricks are the most recommended options out of all. Unlike other wall cladding materials, clay bricks offer unmatchable advantages.

Clay bricks as a superior wall cladding material

A graph showing the embodied energy for different types of cladding system, expressed as mejajoules

A graph showing the embodied energy for different types of cladding system expressed as mejajoules. Note that actual data can vary significantly between studies and products. Source: Adapted from Lawson 1996 Indicative embodied energy content for some typical cladding systems.

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Fire resistance

By fire resistance, we mean the time duration till which the walling material of a home can prevent a fully developed fire. Clay bricks, in any case, is the most trusted wall cladding material that can guarantee a complete fire protection to the inhabitants and thus a peace of mind.

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High wind resistance

According to a very famous study, unlike vinyl cladding, clay bricks provide better protection from wind-blown debris. Clay bricks provide safety for the inhabitants and security for property.

Control moist

While fulfilling growing demands for latest trends, builders have started following construction practices that have resulted into tight walls that are extremely insulated and sealed against air filtration. These tighter walls fail to control the moisture and thus results into increasing mold growth, insect infestation, and corrosion. The Report says clay bricks are perhaps the best solution to this issue. It controls the moisture better than any other kind of wall cladding materials.

Thermal insulation

No doubt, clay bricks are one of the best energy efficient materials that one can incorporate in their homes. Unlike cladding systems made up of concrete, clay bricks exhibit better thermal insulation property. Clay bricks absorb and release heat slowly thus keeping the house cool during day time and warm during night time. This, in turn, results in substantial savings on energy bills.

Acoustic insulation

Because of their dense structure, clay bricks act as a great sound insulator. The density and thickness of clay bricks reduce acoustic transmission and deflects sound from streets, nearby homes, and even jet planes. On an average, the acoustic insulation of clay bricks are generally as 45 decibels for 4.5 inches thickness and 50 decibels for 9 inches and the frequency ranges from almost 200 to at least 2,000 Hz.

Ultra longevity

Due to its natural properties, clay bricks are supposed to last really for a long time. Numerous old and famous architectures that are completely built of clay bricks and are still standing with pride. Clay bricks guarantee the builders that their buildings will last longer and thus increases the monetary value as well.

Zero maintenance cost

Unlike other wall cladding materials, clay bricks require zero maintenance and any other kind of expenses. Additionally, clay bricks also prevent from rotting, warping, denting, fading, rusting, peeling or termites. Thus, the owners do not have to worry about anything and do not have to put any kind of extra effort to maintain their properties.

How much does a brick cost? A lot less than you think. In fact, compared to other building materials, brick stands right in the middle of the pack. Stone costs 13.6% more than brick; wood siding costs 5.3% more than brick. Priced against vinyl siding and fiber cement, brick costs just 7.9% more and 3.9% more, respectively. Yet, brick’s low maintenance, energy efficiency, and re-sale value more than outweigh the cost difference. In the final analysis, the price difference between brick and cheaper materials is insignificant.

How much does a brick cost? A lot less than you think. In fact, compared to other building materials, brick stands right in the middle of the pack. Stone costs 13.6% more than brick; wood siding costs 5.3% more than brick. Priced against vinyl siding and fiber cement, brick costs just 7.9% more and 3.9% more, respectively. Yet, brick’s low maintenance, energy efficiency, and re-sale value more than outweigh the cost difference. In the final analysis, the price difference between brick and cheaper materials is insignificant.

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A note for builders

Clay bricks have emerged as a very useful and beneficial green building construction material and is growing in terms of usage at an increasing rate. On an average, buildings made up of clay bricks get sold for more value when compared to buildings that are made of other materials. And unlike other materials, its benefits last considerably longer.

Authored by a building expert from Wienerberger India

For any kind of assistance or tips on green building materials – drop us a word at gosmartbricks@gmail.com

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