Creating ‘Greener’ Buildings Will Help Address Climate Change… Right?
Green buildings can make a transformation, but only the right questions are asked. If one starts to see the whole story of how our buildings impact the climate only then we can start to make steps toward real ‘net-positive’ change.
Green Building technologies aren’t new, and the strategies aren’t rocket science – the hard step the shift in thinking – what does it means t build green? Finding answers to:
- Where is the building located?
- What does the building replace?
- How good is your building? Is it Net Zero?
Targeting to be on the top of the hierarchy isn’t enough, its time to think ahead being Net Zero – It’s time to think how to be Net+.
Bryn Davidson explains well what Net+ actually means. Watch out this video:
About Bryn Davidson
This man wears many hats for sure. He is a LEED-accredited building designer, sustainability consultant and small business owner with degrees in Architecture (UBC) and Mechanical Engineering (UC Berkeley). And he doesn’t stop there, he is also one of the co-founders of Lanefab Design / Build; a Vancouver-based design and construction company which built the city’s first laneway house in 2010. Since then, Lanefab has continued its specialization in energy efficient green homes and infill ‘laneway houses’ by completing over 40 of the small infill homes. Bryn Davidson has been on the leading edge of the laneway house industry, and he isn’t surely not planning to slow down anytime soon.
Originally Published On YouTube

Curated by editor at Wienerberger India