Climate change is not just a reality but a crisis that needs effective solutions immediately. Over the past years, Wienerberger India has aligned its goals towards sustainable development and focused towards an eco-friendly approach. We have transformed ourselves from a volume- and production-oriented manufacturer of standard products for the building envelope into a full-range provider of innovative, sustainable, and smart system solutions designed to meet our customers’ needs and bring environmental stability.
We are aligned with Wienerberger Group’s sustainability targets, subject to strict ESG criteria (environmental, social, and governance). As a responsible member of society, we make every effort to be tuned with the rising demands of sustainable construction solutions by constantly striving to adopt sustainability in our manufacturing processes. We focus on three crucial sustainability topics: preserving biodiversity, reducing our CO₂ emissions, and promoting a circular economy.
As we aim to be the most highly regarded manufacturer of sustainable building materials and infrastructure solutions, we work towards improving our ecological performance by contributing to the fight against climate change and shaping the future of construction through innovation.
Our flagship product – Porotherm Smart Bricks, are highly engineered bricks manufactured deploying European technology, characterized by a product design which has over 55% void ratio. This makes Porotherm ideal for Indian climatic conditions. It also makes the product very efficient and sustainable both in terms of raw materials consumption and product performance. Porotherm has been certificated by leading agencies like Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) & GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment).
The raw material, Clay, which is used for manufacturing Porotherm clay hollow bricks are sourced from the desilting of the dead lakes/tanks in the vicinity of our manufacturing plant. Desilting activity of lakes/tanks is an environmentally friendly activity which increases the tanks storage capacity and rejuvenates the local fauna and flora. Clay is thus excavated scientifically as per the environmental guidelines. Porotherm Smart Bricks are produced with a combination of clay and other natural materials sourced from the surrounding areas.
In 2020, Wienerberger India commissioned the conversion of kiln fuel to natural gas from coal for its kiln firing process. This has led to a massive reduction in Carbon emissions (>75%) and reduction in particulate matter emission. As a result of this switchover, the factory’s emission norms match the strict EU emission norms and surpasses the norms set by the Indian environmental standards.
Right from the start of its India operations, Wienerberger has continued to focus on non -renewable sources of energy for plant operations. 95% of the electric and thermal energy utilized in the plant is sourced from renewable sources such as solar and wind, making the production process sustainable and green.
Also, Wienerberger India manufacturing facility runs on a high level of automation using Robots, PLC’s, and Servo motors.
For Wienerberger India, sustainability is not just a fad, it has always been at the core of our business. Our solutions are the key to creating sustainable infrastructures and buildings for generations. We assume responsibility by taking environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects into account.
Sorada Curated by editor at Wienerberger India

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