People, in general, have a tendency of neglecting the wall solutions when building a house. This often leads to unwanted expenses in the long run. One of the basic reason of this is we often overlook the important constituents and choose building materials based on price or suggestion from a local realtor, which often leads to unwanted ramifications. People, in general, has a preconceived notion that a brick is just a brick, which is not the case. Brick is the fundamental unit on which a building stands.It is as essential as cement, iron rods and other materials. Brick stands for solidarity and strength that says the foundation of a building for generations to come.
Bricks have always been the most important constituent that underlines the overall structure of a house. Therefore, we should always be careful in our selection of bricks for walling solutions. With growing development and innovation we are now availed with many kinds of bricks namely, burnt clay bricks, sand lime bricks, concrete bricks, hollow clay bricks, Autoclaved aerated concrete bricks etc. Of all the mentioned categories, hollow bricks are most popular as they are lighter and construction is faster with them. Porotherm is a world class product for hollow clay bricks.
Porotherm hollow bricks are smart walling material that peruses the advantages of natural clay. The fact that they are made of natural substances and are hollow from inside makes them far more efficient than the traditional solid bricks and blocks.
Discussed below are some important points that state the advantages of protherm over other walling solutions.
1. More resilient: The most vital important reason for the worldwide popularity of the porotherm-clay bricks is its strength. Theses bricks are almost 60 percent lighter than the concrete bricks. This light weight brick provides the more resolute strength than the other bricks, and additionally its lightweight leads to lessens the overall weight structure of a building resulting in lower cost of construction.Recently,it has been reported that the buildings using AAC block bricks has found wall cracks, few days after installation, but if you are using a clay brick, you can be rest assured.
2. Cost effective: If you compare the walling cost per cum, you will get an overview of how economical a protherm clay could be. Wall cost per cum of protherm brick is 3425, compared to 5905 of AAC block and 4725 of fly ash clay brick. The figure itself is self-evident on why you should you protherm over others.
3. Less labour and cement cost: Added expenses such as the cost of cement, labour, sand cost, brick block cost etc. results in unwanted additional costs. So you must be careful in the selection of the bricks which needs minimal investment on these expenses. Porotherm bricks has a volume of 16,000 cm3, bricks and blocks wastage- 11.2 m2, mortar 20.7 m2, cement – 0.11 bags/ m2, sand- 1.06 m2, compared to AAC block which has a volume of 24,000 cm3, bricks and blocks wastage- 7.6 m2, mortar 18.5 m2, cement – 0.10 bags/ m2, sand- 0.94 m2, and fly ash clay bricks which has a volume of 1,898 cm3, bricks and blocks wastage- 88.9m2, mortar – 61.3 m2, cement – 0.36 bags/ m2, sand- 3.13m2. Protherm usage is, therefore, an added advantage always as it cuts down other additional costs.
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4. Energy efficient: Porotherm bricks consist of recycled content that is energy efficient.These bricks are fired at 900 – 9600 C which when and used combined with the non-corrosive nature of terracotta give the material excellent strength. The life expectancy of Porotherm bricks is over 150 years. Porotherm comes with the fire rating of F240 – 240 minutes since the bricks are already burnt at an exceptionally high temperature that is at about 1000 degrees. Hence, they’re fireproof.
5. Easy to use for installation: The length of a protherm brick is 400mm, width is 200 mm, height is 200mm. This makes porotherm bricks lighter and viable option for constructors as well as the consumers. This allows easy chasseing and chiselling for electric as well as plumbing conduits. By using the machine for drilling and chasing you can also be assured of fewer vibrations or disturbances. With this method of chasing you hardly need to worry about material wastage or breakage unlike in the case of traditional walling material.And consumers can experiment with designs as they are light and easy to experiment.
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6. The advantage of overall price: Porotherm bricks cost around 48.00 INR per piece. Whereas, AAC block brick costs around 125 INR. Solid concrete bricks cost around 34.00 INR. Therefore, it is clearly self-evident that by using protherm you will definitely have an added price advantage.
7. Inner strength: Hollow bricks come with high compressive strength typically >=35 kg/cm2 due to their unique design pattern. This aids to 95% less water consumption during the process of curing while under building construction. It also takes less time for curing and is ready for the next phase just after 24hrs.The large size of the hollow bricks is optimum and uniform. This feature allows the wall to be constructed up to 5X faster i.e. speed of construction up to 10m2 per man per hour can be achieved.
8.Credibility: Porotherm has been credited by Indian Green Building Council for ratings and is a highly effective sustainable building material.
These are some of the important parameters that clearly explains that protherm is a better walling solution compared to its contemporaries.
The video below will help you understand about the advantages of using a protherm brick over other walling solutions.
Authored by a Building Expert from Wienerberger India
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