Roof & Facade

Top 6 Advantages Of A Perforated Brick Façade

Among the several building materials used to style the exteriors of homes, brick facades hold a very strong aesthetic value and favor most Indian climatic conditions. This earthy building material makes for an extremely economical, low-maintenance, and durable alternate to customary plastered surfaces. As a traditional building material, today’s brick facade is far different from the first ones ever created. In modern society, brick facades are being built using novel designs – something that is far beyond what the early builders imagined. In particular, modern architects are choosing to build perforated brick facades which unquestionably is a very inventive design element.

What Is Perforated Brick Façade?

Brick Facades are a completely different type of wall cladding where bricks just clad buildings with existing structural integrity, in a way giving them splendid shapes. The perforated brick façade is one such pattern that provides privacy and great ventilation, as well as plenty of natural light.

When coated with an extra layer of perforated brick façade panels for a building structure, you can create a ventilated chamber between the exterior wall. This chamber acts as an insulation barrier that keeps the structure naturally cool. Facades are commonly used in western countries for insulating homes from heat loss during the harsh winter months, these days they are common in India also. They work just as well in modern Indian homes as they protect the exterior walls from overheating or overcooling due to their exposure to the outside element throughout the day.

Read about the Different Types Of Building Façade & Its Pros And Cons.

Advantages Of Perforated Brick Façade For Indian Homes

The scope of Perforated Brick Façade architecture extends beyond privacy or aesthetics. We explore the various advantages of using Perforated Brick Façade for homes in India.

1. Natural Cooling With Air Flow

Traditionally, jalis and perforated brick facades were used to protect traditional building materials (like brick and stone) from guzzling heat that made the interiors excruciatingly warm. The principle behind perforated systems is that when air forces its way through such material, it increases the strength of the airflow and cools it down slightly. Also, since the façade panels cover the buildings side, it cases it from unswerving sunlight, thereby reducing the walls from heat gain. Simply put, in modern homes it helps in saving energy cost’s significantly.

2. Portal For Privacy

In cities, where buildings are built close to each other steal away the privacy of homes. Perforated brick façade panels help in creating a privacy screen that can block one’s home/apartment from direct views of nearby homes.

3. Gateway for Sunlight

The diffusion of direct sunlight into a building causes solar gain and glare. While too much solar gain and direct exposure can be harmful, allowing an adequate amount of natural light to the building space is another important factor that cannot be ignored. Perforated Brick Façade ensures an adequate amount of sunlight enters the building envelope.

4. Filter For Light – Shifting Daylight And Changing Colors

Several modern homes install glass facades that make the exteriors overly bright during daytime. By installing a perforated brick façade in specific areas, one can control the amount of natural light entering the home; basically, achieve the right balance of energy in the interiors.

5. Regulates Air Flow

A building structure that incorporates a wind-resistant design, protects its occupants from strong winds and hovering debris. Wind-resistant construction is vital for shielding a building structure and its inhabitants from calamitous outcomes during strong wind events. Facades play a huge role in sustaining wind actions and transferring them smartly to the main building structure.

6. Helps To Block Sound

Homes located in urban areas are challenged with outside noise which disrupts the tranquility indoors. In addition to, protecting the structure from heat gain, a perforated brick façade helps to block sound to a small extent since it adds in an extra layer through which sound passes.

Read: What Is A Façade And Its Top 6 Functions?

The architects beautifully transformed the facade of this housing block located in Tehran using angular screens of perforated bricks. Read More – 8- Storey Tehran Apartment Block Features Amazing Perforated Brick Façade. 

Choosing The Right Material ….

While façade panels can add immense beauty and functionality to a home, it is important to choose the right type of material to ensure it serves its functionality and lasts for years. We recommend you consider Terracotta façade panels from Wienerberger in the plan.

Under the brands’ Aspect ventilated clay facade tiles and Argemax composite panels, Wienerberger products guarantee not just the ethereal aesthetics of the structure but also deliver numerous functional benefits creating a special appeal for architects.

To know more about our façade solution get in touch!

Authored by a building expert from Wienerberger India

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Acknowledgment and appreciations go to and Archdaily for the information and images contained in this article.