Exploration is the engine that drives innovation. Innovation drives economic growth. So let’s all go exploring. – Edith Widder
Innovation is the key to evolution and development, be it any field of work. With the growth of technology this innovation has reached a new high. Like other spheres construction industry too has seen the immense opportune the technological advancement has presented them. They too have accepted the need for innovative ideas, especially keeping the safety of workers in mind.OSHA(The Occupational Safety and Health Administration), reports, that one in ten construction site workers gets hurt every year at a construction site.
According to reports published in asiacement.kz, International labour organization, the industry which accounts 7% of the global employment is responsible for 30 to 40 percent of world’s fatal injuries. In India, there are no authentic data in respect of the accident rates, and the prevention and causes taken by the industry. One study reported 165 per 1000 workers get injured during construction activities. This is very high compared to the rates in the developed countries and even certain developing countries.
So, there is a need of rectification for the improvement of the life condition of the labourers. There are some great innovations happening all around to tackle this situation and to make the working condition better for labourers.
The most common accidents happen in during the process of load bearing. Sometimes too much load gets the better off the labour, resulting in disastrous incidents. Labourers have saved back aches of thousands. Millions of people carry push load on a daily basis. It is becoming increasingly difficult especially for developing nations to counter this issue due to lack of fund. But not anymore. Innovations are happening all around the world.
Innovation in load carrier technology is the need of the hour.
In this regard to this, National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad India, reports that Vikram Dinubhai Panchal, a student has conceived and developed a versatile carry device aimed at improving labourers and workers condition across the Indian sub-continent. The total use of materials and functionalities is out of ordinary and highly innovative.
Rather than using common materials such as titanium, carbon fibre, or any other number of costly materials, The Load Carrier is made of bamboo and some simple steel and plastic components. Therefore, it can be made with minimal infrastructure.
In a contest arranged by New York-based Core77, the product designed & created by Vikram Dinubhai Panchal won an award.
[Image Source:www.carryology.com]
This award winning product was created at a cost of just Rs. 300. This creation has the potential to affect lives of millions of people across the world. “Load carrier for labor” project aims at improving the working condition of laborers and workers worldwide at construction site, factories, railway stations, etc. The key objective is the prevention of different occupational hazards and demonstration of product design for the purpose of welfare of human life in general.
You can get the complete insight about the product here, watch it:
Authored by a Building Expert from Wienerberger India
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