Roof & Facade

4 Artistic Clay Roofing Ideas for Your Home

Artistic Clay Roofing Ideas For Your Home

A beautiful home holds excellent value for people living in it. Apart from offering comfort, space, and safety, a home should be built to provide aesthetic appeal and grab people’s attention. When it comes to aesthetics and visual appeal, nothing can match the superiority of clay tiles. From ancient times to the modern-day, clay roof tiles have been an inevitable favourite among builders, architects and homeowners, owing to their durability and artistic appeal. Clay roof tiles are widely preferred roofing solutions for sloped roof designs and it comes with variety of profiles, finishes , colours, patterns and designs have more takers due to their artistic impression. Here are some clay roofing ideas that can offer more visual appeal to homes:

  • Playing with Colours

Variations of colours can be used while opting for clay roof tiles. From colours like red, blue, green to finish like glazed or matte, clay roof tiles bestow elegance to homes that they are incorporated into. While red or brick coloured clay roof tiles work wonders in adding a traditional touch to the roofs of homes, grey tiles can add a distinctive appearance. A home painted white can have dark clay roofing to bring out the contrast. Colourful clay roof tiles offer an everlasting charm to a home. Wienerberger’s clay roof  tiles provide a range of colours, finishes (natural, glazed and engobe) and fittings to create the perfect roof.

  • Shapes and Patterns

The shapes and patterns required for roofing vary depending on the design and requirement of the roofing. The ‘S’-shaped roof tiles are a classic and are often chosen by homeowners and architects for sloped roof designs. Turret roof designs and fan-shaped clay roof tiles are also gaining popularity in recent times. Wienerberger’s clay roof tiles offer a vast range of shapes and patterns like beaver tiles, plain tiles, flat interlocking tiles, Flemish tiles, interlocking pan tiles, Monk and Nun tiles, etc.

  • A Bit of Everything

A building can be a mix and match of ancient and contemporary. An amalgamation of rural and urban styles can be created using clay tiles on the roofs of homes. Clay roof tiles offer an elegant mix of modernism and traditionalism. This way of including a bit of everything can be used by resorts and stay homes to provide a rustic yet modern charm.

  • Positioning

How the clay roof  tiles are used in building a home makes a lot of difference! With proper and innovative positioning, clay roof tiles can offer an alluring charm. Instead of using them only for the main roof, they can also be used over balconies, window shades, or even doors. The entry of a home and its balcony can be balanced better with clay roofing, increasing the impact of the architecture. Positioning of roofs can be done subtly, playing around with the numerous colours and shapes of tiles. Buildings in today’s time are built to offer the best look and design. Clay roof  tiles are one way to ensure better architecture. With advantages like durability, sustainability, unique look and feel, and insulation, Wienerberger India’s clay roofing solutions offer the best for a home. Visit the website to know more!

Curated by editor at  Wienerberger India

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